Title 1 Program

- Rosemarie Stegner- room 48 [email protected]
- Shannon Smith- room 50 [email protected]
- Marybeth Manno- room 48 [email protected]
What is Title I?
- Title I is a federally funded program intended to support all students in meeting the State Standards.
- The goal is to help students succeed academically and to reach grade-level performance expectations by emphasizing high academic standards. Title One offers a variety of services that may include additional support for students. Schools qualify for funds based on economic needs.
- The District's Title I schools serve all identified students throughout the school day using a Response to Intervention(RTI) model and they are provided support services in addition to their regular reading blocks of instruction. These services can include individual or small groups with a teacher to increase reading outcomes.
- Students are identified for instructional support based on academic needs.
Title I Programs Help Students, Teachers, and Parents
- Students perform better in school
- Increase student connectedness and self-esteem
- Teachers understand the needs of students and parents
- Parents better understand their children and become more involved in their education
How are parents involved?
- The federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires schools that receive federal education funds under Title I, Part A to provide information to parents about the professional qualifications of their child's teachers. You have the right to request and review this information, and it must be provided to you in a reasonable amount of time.
Letters went out to those students who qualify for Title 1 (Basic Skills ) services in a small group pull-out program.
Language Arts- Grades 1-3 (pull-out) your child will be pulled out of class during science, social studies, or a flex period. They will not miss any instruction within the classroom in ELA. They will be pulled out 5 days a week for 40 minutes for about 15-20 weeks. This pull-out program we will be using is Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI). The Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention is a powerful, short-term intervention, that provides daily, intensive, small-group instruction, which supplements classroom literacy teaching. LLI turns struggling readers into successful readers with engaging leveled books and fast-paced, systematically designed lessons.
Language Arts (push-in) your child will get support within the classroom from one of the basic skills teachers. This instruction will be conducted in a small group to review current skills and concepts being taught within the classroom.

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